Parent Partnership
Education for Change Public Schools believes that parents are full partners in their children’s education. We strive to build strong relationships of respect and trust with families. Our family partnerships feature shared responsibility and decision-making to support every child.

§ School Family Leadership Councils: Every EFC school has a Family Leadership Council (FLC) with parent representatives from all classes and/or grade levels. The FLC meets at least once a month with the school principal to review student achievement data, to set school-wide academic goals, and to participate in budget decisions. The FLC also sponsors school events and meets with elected officials to promote the interests of students and families, becoming a positive force for change in the larger community.
§ Education for Change Family Leadership Council: The network Family Leadership Council has two representatives from each EFC school. This group meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 6:00 pm and discusses issues that impact the entire network. From this body, two parent representatives are elected to the Education for Change Board of Directors.
§ Participation in Hiring: Families participate on hiring panels for principals, assistant principals and teachers.
§ Math and Literacy Workshops: Schools hold workshops to help families engage directly with their children’s learning, such as reading nights and math university, and “make and take” sessions where parents learn fun ways to reinforce math and reading skills.
§ Parent Classes: A variety of classes are offered to support families, including ESL; child development workshops, college-readiness workshops, health classes, computer classes and Zumba.
§ Parent Centers and Community Partnerships: Lazear, Ascend and Achieve have fully staffed parent centers. In addition, all Education for Change Schools benefit from rich partnerships with community based organizations such as the East Bay Agency for Children, Oakland Leaf, La Clinica de la Raza, and Oakland Community Organizations. Our partners provide many opportunities and supports for families such as social services, after school programs, and leadership development.